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City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC)

- "Afterimage For Tomorrow"

As part of the Jumping Frames International Dance Video Festival 2019, we helped the City Contemporary Dance Company (CDCC) to setup a VR art exhibit at Tai Kwun to showcase an avant-garde VR dance video “Afterimage for Tomorrow” created by, Taiwanese VR film director – Singing Chen, allowing visitors to experience the experimental content by the talented filmmaker.


We perceive the world through eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. These sensory is stored as memory in words, pictures, sounds and moving images. With fractions of the transcribed memories, we are capable of returning to a specific point in time, which is an act of distortion and overlaying of time and space. However memories aren’t always reliable. A man wakes up in an unknown dimension of consciousness. What is it that he sees, hears and feels? Is it memory, virtual reality or terminal lucidity?

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